Minera San Cristóbal S.A. develops safe activities oriented to the responsible production of zinc-silver and lead-silver mineral concentrates for sale; and integrates Sustainable Development in the different stages of the life cycle of our mining operations, promoting ethical business practices.
Our vision, mission and values are the basis of our Business Management System with a process and continuous improvement focus.
With the human, financial and any other necessary resources and continuous management review, in compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, MSC is committed to:
- 1 Respect the human rights of our employees and communities, keeping our operations free from discrimination, harassment and child forced labor.
- 2 Identify and assess the hazards ensuring the reduction of risks with regards to the health and safety of our employees, contractors and visitors, in order to provide safe and healthy working conditions to prevent injuries and harm to their health. Support safety management to promote an organizational culture that encourages communication, safety reporting, and safe practices.
- 3 Protect and improve the health and quality of life of our covered population through comprehensive promotion, harm prevention and health care actions.
- 4 Respect the environment ensuring an environmental management that identifies, evaluates and manages risks, prevents pollution and mitigates impacts with an approach associated with efficient management of water and energy, reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and conservation of biodiversity.
- 5 Contribute to sustainable development by implementing social responsibility principles that ensure relationships of mutual respect, transparency and compliance with commitments, that generate benefits for our shareholders, our employees, the communities and the country.
- 6 Ensure the identification and control of risks in our flight operations and international supply chain, preventing incidents, illicit activities, encouraging the timely reporting and treatment of events that affect safety and taking necessary preventive / corrective actions.
- 7 Protect our information considering its value and risks, while maintaining its confidentiality, integrity and availability.
- 8 Promote responsible production, delivering products and services that meet our customer’s requirements, facilitating and promoting a comprehensive management of materials and suppliers.
- 9 Ensure the impartiality and quality of our chemical assays results.
- 10 Promote the establishment of objectives and performance evaluation mechanism for all of our processes.
- 11 Ensure that no disciplinary action is taken against any employee or contractor who reports a safety problem, code of ethics violation or any act or action that may be perceived as an act of corruption; unless such exposure indicates, beyond reasonable doubt, that an unlawful act, gross negligence, or deliberate or voluntary non – compliance, has been committed by the person who made the denunciation.
The compliance with ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, ISO / IEC 27001, ISO / IEC 17025, NB 512001, IS-BAO, Authorized Economic Operator (OAS) standards, Global Industry Standard on Tailings Management and reporting our performance through the sustainability report under the GRI standards; all contribute to the integral management of the business.
MSC recognizes that the success of the Business Management System and the operation is dependent on the continuous efforts and participation of all the personnel, contractors and other stakeholders; reason why we promote the dissemination, understanding and compliance of this policy.